Thursday, February 28, 2008

Issue 1 is DONE!!!

Whew....that was a tough one but my colors for the Dragonlance story of The Worlds of Dungeons & Dragons #1 are done!!! (barring any revisions from Hasbro).

Not sure yet when the release date is but I will let ya know when I find out. Here is a link to a small artical about it and also to Devils Due Publishing who is putting it out. Be sure and check it out.

Well I am beat, been pulling some late (sometimes all) nights to get it done so that's all for now.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

3 am

Well it's 3 am here and I am still up and working.I finally got the corrected pencils for the messed up Dragonlance pages so now it is time to shift into overdrive on it. Pulled a all-nighter last night and will probably be pulling them until next Monday, which is when the deadline is for the book.

I am pretty happy with my work on it so far. I am no where near satisfied with it all but I do feel like I have made some progress using a more painted style. I have definitely learned some new things and a few things have started to click that I have struggled with for a long time.

Here is another sneak peek. This is the same panel that I posted before with the final colors (unless Hasbro and Wizards of the Coasts veto something).

Thursday, February 14, 2008

We want you!!!

Trying to post at least once a week. busy coloring the Dragonlance story from the new Worlds of Dungeons and Dragons comic, so that is keeping me pretty busy. I can't really post up much in the way of the art but I will try and sneak in a preview panel here and there ;)

This is a panel from page 3 of the Dragonlance story.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

In the Studio...

Well yseterday I was asked to join Empty Room Studios

ERS is owned by Jeremy Mholer and Rick Hershey. I have done some work with them in the past on Jeremy's Baeg Tobar project and they are great guys. I am really flattered and looking forward to getting to work on some of their other projects.

Here is some of the stuff I did for Baeg Tobar.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Clean Sweep

Well I guess I am going to give this blogging thing a try again.

I will attempt to update at least once a week (more if I can). To help me achieve this my wife Stephane will probably be posting for me now and then or she may post something totally of her own (kinda scares me though).

I have been adding and organizing my page a bit and trying to make it a pleasing (to me anyway) as I can, but I suck at any kind of web scripting so bear with me.

Here is a early sample of my newest project for you to see, this is not what the actual panel ended up looking like but it was a style test.